Saturday, October 18, 2014

New Family Members!!!

I interrupt the chronological storytelling of our adventures 
to introduce our newest family members, 
Ada (pronounced Aida) and Grace! 
Gracie and Ada Alexander
They are 9-week old kittens we adopted on Wednesday (15 October) from a local non-profit cat rescue organization. 

Ada is the tabby / tiger striped cat named after Augusta Ada King, the Baronness of Lovelace, commonly called Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852), a mathematician and the world's first computer programmer. She also happened to be the only legitimate child of Lord Byron. Our Ada is a wee bit of a scaredy cat, but has slowly let us pet and play with her.

Grace is the silky black cat, named after Rear Admiral Grace Hopper (1906 - 1992), a computer programmer who helped develop the first computer languages. She also coined the term "de-bug" for fixing a computer when she opened up a mal-functioning computer and found a moth stuck inside. our Gracie is quite the adventurer / explorer. She's always the one to explore somewhere first with Ada not far behind. And the one who will probably get into the most trouble :-)

Ada and Grace play and cuddle together almost all of the time, so the adoption society was glad to see them re-homed together. They have had their first immunizations, are microchipped, and are healthy. 

Thankfully, it's a lot easier to import cats from the UK to the US than it is to go the other way. Good! Because we plan on having these girls with us for a long, long time!!

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