Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mum, Dad, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace

Our adventures in London continue!
In front of the Tower of London
I talked Mom & Dad into visiting the Tower of London after we toured Westminster Abbey. Neither of them seemed to keen on visiting a tower, I mean, really, it's just a tower, right? Happily, they were both excited to see that it is far more than what the name suggested. It's a full-on castle with prisoner holding cells (complete with medieval prisoner graffiti), execution sites (Off with Anne Bolyn's head!) an armory and the crown jewels! 

Dad & the Tower Bridge

See, I really was with them! 
Soldiers in the famous "beefeater" getups are still dotted around London. This guy was out front of the crown jewel exhibit. No longer can you get right next to any of them, so you have to take photos from afar. Mom & Dad didn't want to do it, so I posed with the soldier. And then thanked him for his service as these guys are typically just back from deployment in not-so-great locations. 
Obligatory Beefeater photo 
After visiting the crown jewels (No photos, sorry. They were pretty sparkly - Dad told a guard that he thought the diamonds were really cubic zerconia - that didn't go over too well!) we made our way to the armory. We got a good look at lots of weapons and armor. What really stood out (Ha!) was Henry VIII's armor, specifically his cod piece. We three were giggling for quite some time - oh Henry, compensating much? 
Henry VIII's armor and junk
After a good night's sleep, we made our way for our 10:30 entry into Buckingham Palace. They only open Buckingham 10 weeks a year (while the Queen in on holiday in Balmoral, Scotland) and the general public can tour the state rooms. 
Buckingham Palace gate
We weren't allowed to take photographs inside, so you'll have to take my word for it - it was impressive! They also had a display of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation regalia (gowns, photos, etc.) as they are still celebrating her jubilee (60 years as the reigning monarch). 
Guards in front of Buckingham Palace
With the formal tour complete, the visitors can stop at the tea house in the back garden and enjoy the ambiance.
Having tea at Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace's back porch - must be nice!
A lovely stroll through the back garden leads you out of the palace grounds.
Can you spot the green heron?

Can you spot Buckingham Palace?
About two days after our visit to Buckingham Palace, a man was caught strolling the back garden after hours. Soldiers drew their guns and demanded he lay down and put his hands on his head. A few minutes later the soldiers were profusely apologizing as the man they apprehended was none other than Prince Andrew, the younger son of the Queen. Lesson of the story: don't go wandering unannounced in the Queen's back garden, even if she is your mom!!
Buckingham Palace's back garden

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