Friday, October 2, 2015

Another Day at the Races

Three years in a row I've attended Ladies' Day at the York races. Thankfully, this year's weather was heaps better than last year's rubbish freezing rain! 

A wee bit of bubbly to start the day
Several months ago I won a fundraising raffle ticket. I was the last person to win, and the prize table was empty save a sad looking little envelope. The organizer handed it over and said it was a voucher (gift certificate) for a hair salon. I was happy, it was something for free, basically. Then I opened the envelope, and it wasn't a voucher for hair stuff, it was a voucher for the top, local milliner's shop - a free one day hat hire! 
Hats, hats, hats!
A week before the race, I took my bright blue dress to the shop, found a hat, and got to keep it for race day. It was far more hat than I would have ever paid for, so it was a lot of fun to kick it up a notch! 
Hat detail
As per tradition, we get to the racecourse shortly after it opens so we can grab a table and some champagne, then people watch for the next two hours. It is so fun watching all of the dresses, hats, pinstripe and seersucker suits walk past. Most are lovely outfits, some are stunning, and some are… not. 
Cindy, Julie, and I modeling our finery
We chatted, caught up, sized up the ensembles walking past, and just had a grand ol' time. 
Laura, her sister, and Ali showing their lovely hats
About a half hour before the races start, we popped into one of the cafes for a quick grab and go lunch, then headed out to the bandstand-y area to place bets, watch races, and… oh, who am I kidding - PEOPLE WATCH! It's my favorite pastime, really :-) 
And the lot of us, smiling away!

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