Monday, January 26, 2015

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November!

Guy Fawkes Day. The Gunpowder Plot. Bonfire Night. Did you learn anything about this back in school? I vaguely remembered that Guy Fawkes was a bad guy (according to the royalty) a long time ago, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why the UK celebrates him on November 5th. Now that I know, it's still a bit wonky, in my humble opinion.  
Instead of Cliff's Notes, I give you Jennifer's Notes: 
Henry VIII separated from the catholic church, his daughter Mary became queen upon his death and reverted the country back to catholocism. That lasted 5 years until her death, when her sister, Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII & Anne Bolyn) came to power and created the Church of England. Many years of Queen Elizabeth I, and a beheaded cousin (Mary, Queen of Scots) later, QEI's cousin's only son, James I (son of Mary, Queen of Scots) became king.
Friends with sparklers
All of the Catholics were hopeful that James I would revert the country back to Catholicism, which was his mother's religion, but he did not. Because he remained true to the Church of England, many were very upset, including a small group of men in York who decided they were going to blow up the Houses of Parliament in protest on November 5th. One of the men in this group was named Guy Fawkes. The plot was foiled and Guy Fawkes (among others) was caught. 
Sparklers sparkling 
Guy Fawkes was found guilty. He was hung, drawn, and quartered as punishment. Now we celebrate the foiled gunpowder plot by lighting a huge effigy of Guy Fawkes on fire (the bonfire), eating caramel apples, playing with sparklers, and watching fireworks. 
Which is exactly what we did. Weird.

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