Monday, July 7, 2014

Gangsters and Molls Party

A friend of ours volunteers in her village, and helped set up a recent village fundraiser dinner. She and the committee decided it would be much more fun if the dinner had a theme and attendees could dress accordingly. The theme was gangsters & molls and people really got into it! 

Bill and I had just returned from Paris, and I had totally forgotten about obtaining costumes. On the day of the party, I bought Bill a gangster-like fedora and a black tie and I borrowed a bejeweled headband and made sure an old dress still fit. Sadly, Bill's hat was not large enough to fit over his mass of hair. 
Almost gangster-y and moll-y
Below is a picture of Patty, complete with fake mustache and inflatable tommy gun, and Julie, in flapper dress and red feather boa.
Patty and Julie 
Regine, one of the organizers of the shindig, wearing the feather headress, and Verity in pearls and an inflatable sawed-off shotgun. Who knew there were so many types of inflatable guns available? 
Regine and Verity
Brook, wearing the pimpest hat ever, and his lovely wife Cindy, in flapper gown, feathers, and long beaded necklaces. 
Brook and Cindy
A fun time was had by all!

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