Monday, December 22, 2014

Roman Ruins and Beatlemania

After a hectic few days in London, we all wanted a mellow Sunday. And what a better way to relax than to head off to an excellent pub for a Sunday Roast with Yorkshire pudding and all the trimmings?! And even better, after lunch we sauntered a few blocks over to the Roman ruins dating back to 110-ish AD. 

The story goes a farmer was plowing his fields in the mid 1800s and struck tile. A wee bit of digging produced a glimpse of this still intact tile floor. Further excavation in the nearby fields uncovered what archeologists think was once a small village of Romanized Celts - many of the celtic tribes struck up friendly relationships with their Roman conquerers and started building small huts and the like, emulating the fancy Roman ways. Walls, columns, etc. are still visible today. 
Aldborough Roman mosaic floor
The site isn't very large so we walked around it fairly quickly, but it was nice to move after a slow morning then an extravagant lunch. 
Posing with Roman-era columns
Roman-era column
Wall to Romanized British fort
After a slow Sunday we got up bright and early Monday morning and drove the two hours to the western coast of England so that we could spend the day in Liverpool! As Bill and I had already taken the Magical Mystery Tour several months prior, we dropped the two Beatles-loving ladies off at their bus and went off to do some shopping. 
We met back up a few hours later outside of the Cavern Club, the infamous dive bar in Liverpool where John, Paul, George, and Ringo (er... Pete Best?) got their start and played over 200-some shows. 
The infamous Cavern Club
Thankfully, it was a Monday in September and the crowds were not nearly as crazy as had been on the Spring Saturday when Bill and I visited. We were able to get great seats in-between sets, had a pint or two, and watched this guy sing all kinds of songs. But yes, his Beatles covers were the crowd favorites. Enjoy!

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