Friday, November 1, 2013

Bach Flower Remedies - Level 2

I've had a lot of questions about the Bach flower remedies and I thought I'd write a quick post about Dr. Bach and his flower remedies. Doctor Bach was a British medical doctor, a bacteriologist and immunologist who began his medical career in 1912 after qualifying at the University College Hospital in London.  Later in his career, he felt he needed to treat the person and not the disease and started studying homeopathic medicines. He eventually left his high-end medical career to spend all of his time working on his new theories on balancing emotions to help improve immunity (psychoneuroimmunology). 
The Bach Cenre, Mount Vernon, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxfordshire
There is more and more evidence that sustained negative emotions can negatively affect your immunity, so it may be very helpful to help balance your emotions whenever and however possible. Much like aromatherapy, flower remedies are used to help balance a person's emotions. If someone is overly nervous, lonely, afraid, impatient, self-centered, exhausted, apathetic, etc. they can take one (or more) of 38 flower remedies to help cope with whatever issues they are facing. 
Walkway to Entrance of Bach Centre
The last years of Dr. Edward Bach's life brought him to Mount Vernon, the name of his small cottage in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, now the Bach Centre where I completed the flower remedy levels 1 and 2. 

Dr. Bach believed that western medicine has had amazing results, and is the first therapy one should seek when our bodies have mechanical faults and are not working properly. In many cases, however, western medicine confines itself to treating the symptoms and doesn't look at an imbalance that may have caused the mechanical problem to arise in the first place or exacerbated an existing condition. Bach Flower Remedies are considered complementary medicine, not alternative medicine. While alternative medicine practitioners may discourage people from partaking in western medicine, complementary medicine, such as the flower remedies, can be used in conjunction with any other course of treatment or medicine and won't interfere with those treatments, and vice versa. 
Dr. Bach's Office and Handmade Furniture
Those of you who know me know I am alive because of western medicine and I LOVE what western medicine has done for me. And if there are simple, inexpensive ways I can help myself and others stay balanced and healthy with a robust immune system, well then, sign me up!! :-)
Pretty Flower (not a remedy flower)
Because I am not working as a massage therapist while in the UK, I want to be sure to come home with additional work skills that are not readily available in the US. I hope to take the level three early next year, which is four days of training at the centre, then 6 − 12 months of correspondence work (essays, client studies, etc.). If I complete all of the coursework and do well, I will be a certified Bach Flower Remedy practitioner!
Wild Oat - good for those looking for direction in their life 
Sorry for this short diversion into work-related stuff... next blog will be another British travel blog post :-)

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